A downloadable game for Windows

My first game that I've made using original code! Programmed in Processing, and exported as a .exe file based in Java.

A game that is played similarly to Snake. You control a green circle with WASD controls, and are trying to collect different, smaller green circles by moving over them, which will give points. Gaining points will increase how fast the player controlled circle moves.

You will get a game over by either hitting the black borders at the edges of the game window, or by moving your circle over a red circle, which will occasionally spawn instead of the usual green circles.


Game Project 2 - Circle Chase.zip 137 MB

Install instructions

The game is contained in a zip folder, which will need to be extracted. Once extracted, the game will be inside, labeled "Game_Project_2_Circle_Chase.Exe". 

The game should be able to run on Windows computers, but users of other systems may have to install OpenJDK 17 in order to run it.

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